Technology and the Environment – Intervention is the Only Choice

Technology and the Environment – Intervention is the Only Choice

Technological innovation ignites economic growth feeding further innovation. But, has our relentless progress irrevocably tipped the balance from a virtuous circle of innovation and growth to a downward spiral of disaster and decline? We’re going to continue to drive, fly, throw away plastic, and tear down the rainforest. If we aren’t going to solve the problems we’ve created by regulating ourselves, we’re probably going to have to use technology — whether that’s to save species, or human lives, or to make sure that certain plants or coral reefs survive climate change. We don’t know the consequences of these future actions.

The U.S. China Chess Game

The U.S. China Chess Game

A global economic and political chess game is on between the United States and China. There are many moves, defensive and offensive strategies, short- and long-term gains, but, unlike chess, mutual victory is possible. But only if the U.S. and China understand each piece, all the potential moves, what can be sacrificed, and what victory really looks like. But this does not appear to be happening. Instead of working for mutual benefit, regardless of fundamental cultural and political differences, we are now drawing bright lines demarking battle zones. The result will be economic and technical inefficiency and degradation in the quality of life, safety, and prosperity for everyone.

Connecting the Dots

It is the reasonable person who stops and sees, connecting the dots and not trying to manipulate reality to fit your vision. The unreasonable try to force change where it is unwelcomed, or, more often, stick to a belief increasingly at odds with the world’s reality. The reasonable person looks at the world and tries to connect the dots others don’t see – but the dots are there. They may seem unrelated to most but seeing what most miss is innovation’s foundation. It is connecting those dots and seeing how things can connect – not forcing something that isn’t there or ignoring what is and how it has changed. It is only afterward that a new idea seems reasonable. To begin with, it usually seems unreasonable. Don’t be fooled and believe you must force change.

Productive or Pointless?

Productive or Pointless?

Failing to get work done is an increasingly common experience. Maybe the reason we find it so hard to get anything done is that most of the things we do just fundamentally don’t need to be done. All the productivity lifehacks out there are ultimately missing the point: we’re avoiding our work because our work is pointless.

Stop Talking. Start Thinking.

Stop Talking. Start Thinking.

Thinking the government now can take over something the private markets provide efficiently and effectively as government is the appropriate entity to provide those services from now on only leads to inefficiency, misuse of capital, the demand for more tax revenue to support the inefficiency, and the downward spiral which ultimately creates more inefficiency that private industry will look to rectify.

Should America Replicate China’s Industrial Policy?

Should America Replicate China’s Industrial Policy?

While it may seem tempting to target attractive market sectors and provide government-backed capital and direction, this typically does not end well. The efficient allocation of capital, demanding an appropriate return for given risks, is something private markets do extremely well. A handful of bureaucrats cannot match the collective wisdom of the capital markets, no matter how attractive the target.